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A Legacy Continues

The Ramirez family established their coffee estate over 60 years ago in Cibao, Jarabacoa, Dominican Republic. Its current owner, Eddie Ramirez, is making waves for both his community and for the planet. The Ramirez Estate is extraordinarily self-sufficient, as well as socially and environmentally conscious. Their entire operation is powered by natural gas created by fermented coffee cherries. The Ramirez family donates books and computers to local schools and even funded and built a school in rural Jarabacoa so kids wouldn’t have to walk a little over nine miles to attend class.

They also help Haitians looking to receive fair wages obtain legal residence in the Dominican Republic. Because of Eddie Ramirez and the estate’s organic certification and direct trade status, not to mention their tireless environmental and humanitarian work, they can fetch better prices for their consistently high-scoring washed coffee.

Washing and Drying

Washed coffee is all about the seed, not the cherry. Most specialty coffees are washed because this process gives the most true-to-origin experience, as the mucilage can impart syrupy flavors if left intact during processing. Our Dominican Republic is dried using mechanical rotary dryers that slowly turn the coffee. Rotary dryers allow producers to replicate successful harvests, control temperature, and perhaps most importantly, avoid unfavorable weather completely.

Direct Trade

hallyumartDirect Trade producers can receive better prices for their coffee because they are in direct contact with purchasers, thus avoiding the expenses associated with exporters and importers. Direct Trade is more of a promise of quality than a certification, but there are still hallyumartrequirements for enrollment.


The benefits of organic certification for the producers and the roasters are huge. Certification gives access to markets not otherwise available, premium pricing, and eligibility for grants and financial assistance, among many other things.

Fresh Roasted Coffee’s Got the Goods

Like Jamaica and Haiti, the Dominican Republic’s mountainous landscape is prime for coffee growing. Our Organic Dominican Republic is grown at 1,400 meters above sea level and features notes of baked apples, vanilla, and grape. The high altitude at which this coffee is grown influences the flavors and is responsible for its lighter, more fruity notes, while the roast brings balance to the brew by adding a little bready toastiness.

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