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Decafs & Half Cafs - Roasted Coffee Sampler

*Packaging may vary

Decafs & Half Cafs

Roasted Coffee Sampler


Fresh Roasted Sampler Box - Decaf & Half Caf Coffees

Love the beans but not the buzz? Twelve samples of our delicious water processed decafs and half cafs are contained within this beautifully giftable box - but don't let that stop you from getting one for yourself! Taste some of the finest of what Fresh Roasted Coffee offers and still get a good night's sleep.

Each pack contains 2.5 ounces of coffee (whole bean), perfectly roasted and ready for brewing!

  • Organic Sumatra Water-Processed Decaf
  • Organic Ethiopian Sidamo Water Process Decaf
  • Organic Mexican Water Process Decaf
  • Colombian Water Process Decaf
  • Organic Peruvian Water Processed Decaf
  • Organic Black Knight Water-Processed Decaf
  • Organic Sumatra Water-Processed Half Caf
  • Organic Mexican Water Process Half Caf
  • Organic Peruvian Water Processed Half Caf
  • Colombian Water Process Half Caf
  • Organic Ethiopian Sidamo Water Process Half Caf
  • Indian Monsoon Malabar Water Process Half Caf

Coffee degasses for several days after roasting and this process varies by the type of coffee and by roast. If your sampler contains bags that are "puffed up" in appearance, it means that the coffee beans were packaged and sealed soon after roasting and continued the degassing process within the bag.
